2024-25 加拿大英文寫作大賽「雅卓盃」現場初賽 成績公佈
Canadian English Writing Competition 2024-25 (Arch Cup) live Preliminary Competition (Results) (2024-12-18 18:47:36)
Personal, school admission ticket and qualification letter download teaching (2024-12-14 12:31:37)
2024-25 亞洲英文拼字大賽「金蜂盃」現場決賽
2024-25 Asian English Spelling Competition(Golden Bee Cup) Semi-final (2024-12-13 12:08:59)
2024-25 亞洲英文拼字大賽「金蜂盃」成績公佈
2023-24 Asian English Spelling Competition(Golden Bee Cup) (Results) (2024-12-03 18:16:29)
2025 亞洲英文文法大賽「雅卓盃」
2025 Asian English Usage Contest (2024-11-06 12:34:35)
New WhatsApp competition information channel
全新WhatsApp 比賽資訊頻道 (2024-08-28 14:28:00)
Award Ceremony-2024 (2024-06-29 11:26:52)
惡劣天氣安排 (2024-05-04 10:12:33)
准考證安排 通告 Notice of New Arrangements for Admission Tickets (2023-08-22 12:20:06)
Contact Us:
The English Association of Asia
Telephone: 2493 7971
Fax: 2787 0875
Whatsapp: +852 5725 2131
Address: 2/F,Nathan Tower, 518-520 Nathan Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays, 10:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. and 2:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. (closed on public holidays)

Kindly note that all information related to the contest will be updated from time to time on the official website of the organizer ( without further notice.
© English Association of Asia